Tumble Dryers

Integrity Mechanical. Your partner in clean.

Weekdays: 7am - 5pm
6519 40 St SE, Calgary, AB

Tumble Dryers

Grandimpianti developed innovative solutions for the professional drying of linen and fabrics, such as the drying diagram that, with more temperature controllers and several steps, is able to optimize consumption and performance. Every aspects have been taken into account, analyzed and improved: mechanical and structural features, drum’s shape, thermal insulation and materials. Technically designed to allow a perfect drying, their professional tumble dryers are available with different heating systems and loading capacities.

Product Brochures

⊕ Dryers 15-33 Kg with Wavy Control
⊕ Dryers 15-33 Kg with Wiz Control
⊕ Dryers 55-70 Kg